At Akademi Kristus (AK) our mission is to foster hope and empower Indonesian communities.
We’ve recently nominated 100 bricks on the wall of AK’s community hub in Bali to represent the 100 people who choose to partner with us by making regular contributions to AK of a minimum $1 a day.
These 100 bricks are literally holding up the roof of a space where youth and their families feel welcome and accepted, Â where the AK team provides opportunities to learn and develop and where local youth from some from of the poorest parts of Bali can build the confidence and leadership skills that will see them break the cycle of poverty.

You can foster hope and make a lasting change in the life of an AK student and their family by becoming a $1 a day ($31 a month) Cornerstone Member.
In recognition of our partnership and your generosity we’ll place your name, or the name of your choice, on one of the 100 bricks. As a partner you’ll also get to choose one of the kids at AK to receive a free t-shirt, and will receive a supporter t-shirt of your own.
If you’d like to sign up to become a Cornerstone Partner donate here by monthly, tax deductible direct debit. We’ll be in touch to organise getting your name on a brick at AK Bali!