Visitor report: Bethany Ross

The streets are no place for a 14-year-old, as Australian man Geoff Collins experienced firsthand. “My father committed suicide. There was nothing for me there,” he says.

After deciding to visit his older brother in Indonesia, Geoff never went back. A couple of years later, he instead found himself falling in love with a young Javanese girl. Read more

My experience of visiting AK


Hi, I’m Amy and I sit on the steering group for Akademi Kristus along with my husband Chris and I am so excited about being involved in supporting the work of Akademi Kristus. I have a background in International Relations, majoring in Indonesian language and culture and have always had a soft spot for Indonesia and her people. So when the opportunity presented itself to be involved in a program that supports vulnerable people in Indonesia, I was in, one hundred percent. Read more